2020m. vykusios varžybos
- Pavadinimas:
- 2019 Kartel Cup, Pieter De Boer Memorial (pasaulio taurės etapas)
- Kada:
- 2019.03.23 - 2019.03.23
- Kur:
- Kietrz, Lenkija
- Kategorija:
- Laisvo skridimo 2019m. varžybos
Varžybų akimirkos : Žiūrėti
Rezultatai: kartel cup 23.03.2019.xls
You are kindly invited to participate in the competitions, which will be held near Kietrz on 23th and 24th March 2019. The competition will be held in the classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P classes in junior and senior categories according to FAI regulations. In addition, F1A std competitions will be held (which will be included in the F1A World Cup) and F1H class competition (for both juniors and seniors) included in the Euro Challenge (HEC). Competitors are required to have a valid 2019 sporting licence as well being registered in the FAI License ID Database to be eligible for World Cup participation.
Entry registrations to be sent to the organizer’s e-mail address before the 18th of March 2018. Accommodation and food: self-catering.
Prizes: The first three in individual listing will be awarded.
Protests: official protests should be submitted to the Jury no later then 60 min after the criticized event and accompanied with a deposit of 50 €.
Competitions program:
22nd of March (Friday)
16:00 – 18:00 registration of competitors in classes F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q,F1P, F1A std, F1H
Hotel Kombinat Rolny, ul. Zatorze 2, 48 – 130 Kietrz
GPS coordinates: N 50 073 446, E 18 011 560
23th of March (Saturday) - KAR-TEL – CUP, Pieter de Boer Memorial
8:00 – 9:00 registration at starting post - Coordinates will be given a few days before the competition depending on the weather forecast and vegetation conditions of the field.
9:00 – 14:00 5 rounds
16:00 – 18:00 fly-off flights (The exact time of the fly- off will be announced by the organizers during the competition)
19:00 end of the competition at starting post
24th of March ( Sunday) - SPZG – CUP Antoon van Eldik Memorial
9:00 – 14:00 5 rounds
15:00 –17:00 fly-off (The exact time of the fly off will be announced by the organizers during the competition)
18:00 end of the competition at starting post
Entry fees for each competition:
F1A, F1B, F1C seniors: 30 €
F1A, F1B, F1P juniors: 15 €
F1H, F1A std seniors 10 €
F1H, F1A std juniors 5 €
Racibórz, MKZ Unia www-Hotel MKZ Unia
Racibórz, Hotel Polonia www-http://www.polonia.raciborz.pl/
Racibórz, Hotel Ragos www-http://ragos.com.pl/index.php
Racibórz, Hotel Racibor www.hotelracibor.pl/
Racibórz, Hotel Daro http://moteldaro.pl/
Rooms „LUDOWA” Kietrz http://www.ludowa.com.pl/
Pensjonat Krysia Pilszcz , Pilszcz, ul. Pszenna 16, 48-130 Kietrz, tel. 885 427 456 pensjonatkrysia@op.pl
Stanisław Kubit +48 601 420 383, s-kubit@wp.pl
Allard van Wallene +31 6 13748459 avanwallene@ziggo.nl
Renginio vieta
- Vieta:
- Kietrz
- Miestas/gyvenvietė:
- Kietrz, Lenkija
- Šalis:
Google maps nuoroda: žiūrėti