Specialus pranešimas
Gautas oficialus laiškas iš FAI, kad visos aviamodeliavimo varžybos atidedamos iki 20 balndžio (kol kas) arba anuliuojamos (čia jau kaip organizatoriai nuspręs).
Prašau visų viceprezidentų permesti šitą laišką savo sportininkams, kad visi žinotų.
Laiškas originalo kalba:
Considering the current situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and in order to protect the health and safety of the entire CIAM community, we regret to announce that all CIAM sanctioned events are suspended as of tomorrow, for 30 days i.e. from Monday, 16 March 2020 until Monday, 20 April 2020.
CIAM Bureau will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will evaluate the options for the continuation or not of the scheduled events after the suspension period. We will issue a new announcement in due time.
We did the same for our Plenary Meeting. Public health and safety are our top priorities for the moment.
We know and we understand that some of the events which are going to be suspended may be postponed for a future date but some will be cancelled. For the events which will be cancelled due to this outbreak, CIAM Bureau decided to allow the organizers to use the sanction fees paid for this year, for events for the next year.
World Cup coordinators will be in touch with you when the situation allows for it.
This announcement refers more for the 2nd Category Events (World Cups or Open International). For World or Continental Championships, CIAM Bureau is in direct contact with the organizers and FAI Secretariat. The organizers will keep you posted accordingly.
Be responsible and follow the instruction from your local Health Authorities.
STAY HOME and why not, build your models.
On behalf of CIAM Bureau
Antonis Papadopoulos
CIAM President